How many days do you ride a month? [ season !!! 21 days last year ]
How far from the mountains do you live? 1200 / 1400 klms
How many days do ride each trip? 4 to 7
Motel in town or Cabin near the hills? Motel in town - most of the time
Where do you ride? (mostly) Vale Mount/McBride BC
What other places do you go? Cooke City Montana
When is your first trip planned? Dec 27 2011
When is your last trip usually? Late April
What city are you from? Melfort Saskatchewan Canada.
How many days do you ride a month? [ season !!! 21 days last year ]
How far from the mountains do you live? 1200 / 1400 klms
How many days do ride each trip? 4 to 7
Motel in town or Cabin near the hills? Motel in town - most of the time
Where do you ride? (mostly) Vale Mount/McBride BC
What other places do you go? Cooke City Montana
When is your first trip planned? Dec 27 2011
When is your last trip usually? Late April
What city are you from? Melfort Saskatchewan Canada.