Today i went for my first ride of the season. Just a road ride in about a foot of semi fluffy snow. So obviously i just stuck to the roads. But when i leave the parking lot i start seeing 4 wheeler tracks driving off the roads tearing up hills and going places they aren't supposed to be going in the summer time. Also I see a hill out of the parking lot with about 6 inches of snow on it, and of course a few fellow sledders had to tear a line up it until there were riding on nothing but dirt. My question to these people is it really worth it? These people are the reason riding areas and trails are getting shut down all the time. They just disrespect the areas and the rest of us by giving all motorsport enthusiast s a bad name. Im 18 and would sure like to be riding 20 years in the future. So lets help control these people before they ruin it for the rest of us. rant over...