I have been thinking about the old days, and the way things used to be, and contrasting that with how we treat each other these days, especially on this forum.
I don't think respect is earned. Respect is given. Children respected their elders not because they earned it, but because they gave it. People respected their fellow man, even though they might be completely strangers. Again, respect wasn't earned, it was given.
Were did this, "you have to EARN my respect" come from? Why must we have people jump through our own hoops before we will treat them decently?
We used to respect our fellow man, and we used to respect ourselves. It seems respect isn't something that is earned, but it can be taken away.
It seems the times, they are a changin..
I find it odd is all.
I don't think respect is earned. Respect is given. Children respected their elders not because they earned it, but because they gave it. People respected their fellow man, even though they might be completely strangers. Again, respect wasn't earned, it was given.
Were did this, "you have to EARN my respect" come from? Why must we have people jump through our own hoops before we will treat them decently?
We used to respect our fellow man, and we used to respect ourselves. It seems respect isn't something that is earned, but it can be taken away.
It seems the times, they are a changin..
I find it odd is all.