Hi everyone!!
I can't say thank you enough for your kind thoughts and well wishes. I truelly believe in the power of friends and family, so right now I'm using all of your's. You have no idea how thankful I am to have been riding with the group I was with - they are my guardian angels. Never once did I waiver about being brave or screaming or crying or giving into the cold (and it was laying there on the snow) because I knew they were there. I tried to imagine what it would be like for them if I stopped talking and did some convulsion thing like you see sometimes, and I knew that they had to be getting just as cold as I was, so I kept on talking and being the best patient I could for them. The fact that I was able to be airlifted out is incredible considering the weather. It's amazing what some people will risk to save another, - here's where I start choking up and can't type...... I really don't know have to return the good deeds to these people, other than to pay it forward, words are certainly not enough, so know that when I'm better, and someone needs a hand no matter how big or small, I will be there to help. A special hug goes out to Alicia, Matt and Dan - I owe my life to you guys.
Mark brought me home last night. I'll be spending the next few weeks on the couch and in the bed, but I can use the walker and the crutches to get around, and I can get to the bathroom by myself. Believe me, that's a plus. As for which leg, it was the opposite one from my horse accident 3 years ago, not sure if that's good or bad. I have 4 breaks in the femual head of the bone. They have inserted a permanent rod that is secured at the hip joint and the knee with screws. On the X-ray the parts sure look like something from the plumbing aisle at Lowes. I have my first doctor visit next Wednesday, currently I can put NO weight on my leg, just use the big toe to steady the crutches. We'll see what he says. Based on my last experience, and although that was all below the knee I'd guess he gonna say 8-12 weeks on crutches, with additional weight bearing added every few weeks, depending on the progress of the bone mending he sees on the X-rays, and how much physical therapy I can take from the physical terrorist. And then limited use for up to, or longer than 6 months - depending on what I am able to doo. Not to say that I can doo it again, but the last time my healing process was about half of the doctors prediction. I was back in the saddle (literally) after 3 and a half months, of course not at full speed, but I was riding. So although it's likely I won't be riding again this season, maybe just maybe I can get in a sunny spring trial ride before jet ski season starts. At least MY XP won't burn down this year. The sled damage was not too bad. Bent bumper, broken hood pieces, a bent pipe, and some other stuff that I can't remember right now. Slim will post some pictures of the carnaige and the impact site maybe tonight - he thinks he's been a bit busy to get that done. I don't understand.
As for making the Ladies Ride, if the doctor says I can go (the easy part), and I can talk Slim into it (the tough part), I'll be there! Not sure how I'll get there, but where there's a will there's a way.
Thanks again everyone for you well wishes, it means alot to me.