Thanks Everyone!
But especially, Matt (WMD), Alicia, and DAM Dave, even with all the words spoken of this incident, You all have NO idea what these 3 fine people did to save my sweetie. I can say right now with all honesty, that I am at a loss to adequately express my feelings to these 3.
When I think of what would have been the outcome if Jo had not had the divining grace to be riding with you 3 when this happened, I shudder in tears..........
Matt, Dave & Alicia, THANK-YOU. If any of you
EVER need someone, for something, ANYTHING, I will come a runnin.... I MEAN THIS.
To everyone, PLEASE take what WMD & Dam Dave have written as GOSPEL for being prepared. There is no substitute, or EASY button when these accidents happen for being prepared.
She is home and up this morning, even putting her pants on by herself just now, Even tho I was trying to keep them off!

I will try and get pics and a couple movies we took Monday when we got her sled out when I have more time tonight.
The following I posted on the Ladies Forum of what happened.
SnoJo went out today riding with some very good people, WMD & Alicia (His Fiancee) and Dam Dave. Jo was having the ride of her life, 3 feet of pow & untracked, when she crested a hill under full throttle, and jumped down 15' and T-boned into a embankment. She broke her hip and femur on the throttle side handle bar. Thank god she was riding with Matt (WMD) who is one of the Air Idaho Rescue chopper pilots, and his fiancee who is a nurse, also with a wonderfull man Dam Dave of the 4m. They got S&R coming, and hand talked the chopper in to life flight her to EIRMC.
They got her stable, wrapped in space balnkets, hot pads and both Alicia and Dave sandwiched her for body heat as she slipped into hypothermia. 2 hrs later I had her in my arms again.
She is sleeping peacefully now, had a titanium pin inserted from the hip to the knee. I am going to recover her sled tomorrow with Matt, Dave & 2 more good friends.
Its 3am, gotta go get a few hrs sleep.
I will get this labtop to her later tomorrow night.
My sweetie is one tuff Chicka.
She adores all of you. Keep her strong Ladies.