Can someone tell me if the 155" rails on an Assault vs the 155" rails on a pro are any different. It looks like the assault is steeper up front but it is hard to tell. Tried to compare part numbers but didn't confirm anything for sure.
Thanks for the replies. Just sold my Assualt track and trying to decide what to replace it with. Can't find any 155" 5.1 take-off tracks but 163" 5.1 take-off tracks are pretty easy to find. Would I be better off spending $350 for all new 163" rails or just put rail extensions on my 155" rails. Decisions, Decisions...
I just did this last week, went with Track USA extensions, nice beefy extensions with a good fit. I wasn't able to find any new style used 163" rails and didn't want to pay $350 for new ones.
I've only got one ride on it with the 163" but it sure seems to run well in the deep stuff we had last weekend.