Go with a viessmann condensing wall hung gas boiler under 100,000 btu should do ya..
They are compact and the smart boiler will do 4 gases without any orifice change or adjustment and go with their vitocell for all the hot water storage needs for domestic supplied from the wall hung boiler. The vitocell as well can be equipt with a solar coil if you ever go solar.
Its very easy to just have the takeoffs done ahead for very little cost for future solar if you decide and Viessman offer all the solar options as well.
When you do the runs of your heating loops we do reducing circular patterns in each zone in the concrete 16 inches apart and then when dead in center we back out to have our 8 inch spacing that way the zone is suppy/return/supply/ return/ instead of the back and forth which gives you supply through half the zone and cool return through the other half of the same zone...and we limit our runs to approx. 250 ft. and of course thermostacically control the zones that are installed in the partitions required which will be extra important on your upstairs apt.
If your upstairs is floor trusses we run in a sixteen wide up /down/up/in the same truss space then thru the other to what ever is require to use a separate loop or loops for each room to be controlled individual as the same if in floor if your upstair floor is poured.
You also have the option of rads upstairs..there are some nice ones..and heated towel racks etc but radiant works best....
Plan it well,no need for lines under cupboards etc as you potatoes etc hate the heat..haha..stay 6 inches in on finished walls and 12 inches from toilet wax rings and 16 inches in on doors to the outside.
Use rehau oxy barrier 1/2 to your main manifold stations and them are feed by your boiler by 3/4 or 1 inch...use rehau or zurn manifolds and make darn sure that when you energize your system at the beginning even if you are using a glycol mix that the WATER PORTION is put through a media mix similar to a water softener but different...lol..it prevents reactions.....
Your dealing with 93 percent efficiency with Viessman...