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Faction Wars - Civil War Preludes?
Black Hawk Down, Foreign Campers, Alabama Updates, & Flu Releases?
August 25, 2009
The War between the Factions in the Military and Intel world is a running with hot red blood as good men who love the Lord Jesus and the Bill of rights have squared off against the luciferian inspired Totalitarian Dreams of the Illuminati and their Political minions who command now troops, mercenaries, and newly seen private Praetorian Guard of perhaps 10,000 sworn in allegiance not to the Constitution but to the Lucie Joker Tut himself.
That these Factions are fighting the already begun 2nd Civil War , behind the veils of darkness further shaded by the captive Propaganda Matrix and further held from view because the cognitive dissonance of an oppressed, broke , tired to the bone populace, has precluded their ability to see, is now highly evident. The lines are drawn and now as we rush through time into the Fall of Banks and Pandemics and a Winter of Famine's first blush, the body counts will now rise as this State makes War on its own people in a planned blood sacrifice of depopulation known as the Illuminati's End Game.
Perhaps before we get to details, a cold hard look at some of the major players' teething ring of tactics, and their true inspiration is in order. Saul Alinsky, the Chicago radical community organizer, has been the mentor in terms of political and social tactics to several of the current Illuminati chess pieces on the board. His book , "Rules for Radicals" begins with the following:
" Lest we forget, at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which) , the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom--------Lucifer "
Is it any wonder where the true inspiration for plans of a Totalitarian Change which will destroy the America that was blessed by the Lord with Liberty , Prosperity, and Goodness come from? Is not the direct line from lucifer to the Illuminati and on again to those groomed and trained by such as the revolutionary Alinsky , Aurelio Pecci, and perhaps even some KGB shepherds now not at least visible in the telltale glimmers through the veils of deceit , lies, and evil promulgated by many in the top slots of power in America?
Dateline.......8/20/2009......Deep Underground Military Base.....Somewhere 120 miles from Denver as the crow flies or as the Mag-lev Trains are ridden in the deep Tubes.
According to deep background sources, a meeting took place where the some of the highest ranking U.S. Military of Flag Rank met to discuss the upcoming events that will thrust Martial Law upon America and cascade into a blood bath of Civil War II . Specifically, those of luciferian bent and with sworn allegiance to a usurping Dictator instead of the Constitution , were there to order those who do love the Lord , and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic , to come to heel and comply with all plans and orders of the usurper regarding the Martial Law takeover of America and also to insure complete handover of the highest level Above Top Secret compartmental access only "star wars like " space craft and super weapons as well as the ancient star gate technologies and the genetic materials , dead bodies, and locations of live or in stasis "longwalkers" or giants spawned by Fallen Angels as detailed in Genesis 6.
At a certain point this meeting erupted when those Flag Rankers on the side of the Lord and the Constitution refused to comply with orders and to go along with the usurper's Illuminati luciferian plans. According to the deep background sources, at this point those refusing to obey orders that would compromise their oaths were arrested by troops loyal to the luciferian cause and usurper. As with any meeting of this type, lower ranking officers , non-coms , and troops accompany there Flag Rank officers. Not all of them were arrested it seems but perhaps some made an escape in a Black Hawk helo away from the meeting? The cover story in the press says something much different , though it took several versions to provide a skimpy cover.
Later that same afternoon it seems 4 Army soldiers died in a helicopter crash near the summit of Mount Massive south of Leadville , Colorado. According to the Associated Press, the Army initially said that two were killed, one was injured, and one was missing. Then the story changed and said the missing man was found later, though it wasn't clear just when he and the soldier reported injured had died.
Later according to the Associated Press account, the Army Special Operations Command said that the MH-60 Black Hawk crashed while conducting mountain and ....? environmental training ? near Colorado's second highest mountain, Mount Massive.
These men were members of Delta Company, 1rst Battalion , 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment at Ft. Campbell, Ky.
What they did not say is that these men were some of the most highly decorated military men in the U.S. with dozens of medals of valor and bravery given to each of them, albeit many were for work in the Ultra Black world of combat, where people fight, die, and receive medals and citations in total secrecy. There names are 41 year -old Chief Warrant Officer Robert Johnson, 40 year -old Chief Warrant Officer Terrance Geer (only picture shown was of him in a Navy Uniform ? ) , 33 year -old Staff Sgt. Paul Jackson, and 28 year - old Staff Sgt. Chad Tucker.
May the Lord Jesus receive them in heaven and give them peace. May those who knew them hoist a glass in that little downtown Clarksville joint and at Site A may prayers be said for them and their families for they should not have been taken so soon.
The problem with environmental training these days it seems is that questions that should be asked ...are never asked and the truth does suffer in the scanty public telling of the deaths of such fine men. Did a certain evil Faction of Majicians cause the demise of these so brave? Was there something in that initial story that perhaps conjured an electromagnetic pulse take down of a helo ....or was it a "Ron Brown like" or a "Hasenfus vs. Cooper like" scenario where some mystery shooter caused the deaths and then jumped out at 14, 000 + feet with parachute........only to be perhaps cleaned himself ? That story will not make the Associated Press I'd wager. However, that story one could imagine, is only just begun and that other chapters of the Faction Wars will be written in this once great land and no doubt in the cold vacuum of deep space as well. "Death Waits In The Dark" for you lucies ........Sine Pari...... and the Lord Jesus will see to that.
Foreign Campers
In several previous Talons and Alerts , the presence of large numbers of Foreign troops and Mercenaries associated with the upcoming attempt at subjugation of the American people under Martial Law, has been discussed.
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