IMO there is nothing wrong with the fit of the parts (slip fit is slip fit) or the design. Clamping the inner race is a common design in all chaincases (except the '12 PC and I don't want to go there again lol).
IMO it is the disc brake and it's use causing the loss of torque on the inner race. the disc material is soft (cause it has to be), it rides on splines that have clearance so apply the brakes hard and it will try to work loose eventually (I don't use it in reverse anymore lol). And,, Poo tapered the clamping edges of the disc too much (mine was only 60 thou).
IMO that is why some shafts have spun. The disc wore 'til loose from use lol, and then the shaft spins in the bearing. As long as you retorque a couple of times it may all be good.
This is the heat thread. After a bunch of rides now with my repair and jackshaft shimming, I,ve cured my top pulley heat issue IMO. I believe my heat was generated from side load on the jackshaft bearing there because of alignment problems in MY chassis (that doesn't mean all will be the same).
For about 800 miles my top pulley was always the hottest thing in that area and as best as my fingers could tell it came from the shaft to the pulley. It would take sometimes as many as 4 or 5 handfulls of snow to cool because it was sizzling hot. Even with only tree riding.
Now, in order of warm to hot; it is belt, bottom pulley, top pulley, outside of disc towards the can. There is probably only 10ish degrees of difference between the top and bottom pulleys now.
I've found the faster you go the greater the heat (I think it is all from the can) in that area but none of the belt drive ever gets to sizzling hot anymore.
I don't think I will do another project in this area this year ('cause it's working as I expected from the beginning now lol) but if I did it would be to exit the can heat.
Deflecting the heat for a short distance is no biggy but getting it out of that area is the real trick. I,ve drilled plenty of useless holes in the past lol.