Did a bunch of work to the sled this fall and its finally back together. When I stop now it wants to idle a bit high and takes a little while for the idle to come down. Sometimes it takes 10 seconds sometimes 20. Its random. Every now and then it will idle down properly when i let off the gas but sometimes it takes a little bit. Usually idles at 2300-2400 before it comes down and does it also sometimes when i start it up after riding. When i used my reverse earlier it idled at 3000ish for a little bit. About 35kms on it since I put it all back together.
It never had this problem when I put it away in the spring.
The only thing I changed motor wise was the fuel filter and reeds. Had valves out to clean but I dont see those causing an idle issue.
Any ideas? Sled runs fine otherwise but the idling is an annoyance.
It never had this problem when I put it away in the spring.
The only thing I changed motor wise was the fuel filter and reeds. Had valves out to clean but I dont see those causing an idle issue.
Any ideas? Sled runs fine otherwise but the idling is an annoyance.