On the turbo dragon I had a timbersled rear and that sled never got stuck! On the pro with stock suspensions with carls revalve, the sled trenched everywhere,no other changes went back to the stock track,, end of problem!but as I said dry deep colorado snow!,yes on harder snow the PC worked good but Not willing to be stuck whe the snow is deep!
I know you've mentioned this before....by chance what skid were you/are you running with the PC? I trust you completely but this is the only report like this I have heard with regards to the PC on the Pro.
I agree the 5.1 works way better on the Pro than the IQ-RAW however, the PC works that much better on the Pro.
We have quite a few major iced out, through the tight trees, with 6-10 foot iced out snowbanks on each side goat trails. And the 5.1 can be down right scary for some lads who find themselves going backwards. In these situations, the PC is like having chains on tires compared to a 5.1.
The 5.1 peforms a little better in 1 catagory only: Super deep light fluff, sugary pow. In anything other than this 1 condition, the PC outpeforms the 5.1 10 fold.