Well, I ran the full SLP Y, pipe, can, and slp intake mod with the PC on an 07 m1k with the 09 reflash. I know it was a risk but I also did not run any egt/af gauge, still believe in plugs. I talked to slp about this before I did this and they were confident about there pc set up and said it would be plug and play. I have tuning experience with carbs and efi, but was unhappy with chasing numbers on my bb M8 with the boondocker box. It took along time to get it right where the power valves opened up. It did work after I found out about the advanced settings and worked on it allot. After talking to slp it seemed that I could get a 1000 pull and go with plug and play parts. I liked it allot, the sled was ok stock, and was notably cleaner after the pipe and PC. I put about 500 hard miles on her before I pulled it up and over on the top of a hill. She took about 15 end over ends to lawn dart into some softer snow. All of this to say when I ran it the rest of the day with out a hood and a sock over the intake it cleaned up even more. This says to me there is more room on the table to lean her out a bit. (plugs looked good) Over all I am happy with the products. Hope this helps out.
Notes- stock clutching, 1000-5000 ft elev, all temps. Love AK