When my Nytro is cold, (Below -20) more oil comes out the back exhaust than goes into the engine. It seems that the return pump doesn't do anything too much when its real cold. Im running stainless lines from the oil reservoir back to the return pump with absolutely no restrictions. I took my charge line to the intercooler and wiped all the oil out, and cleaned the oil out of the bottom of the intercooler. There was about 1/2 L all over. And where the blowoff valve was there was a mess. Ive had this issue everytime its real cold. Also I can only use Yamalube 0/30 if I use anything else it goes by the turbo bearings. I would like to change this pickup pump as I think this is the issue. Spoke to Dave on this but he doesn't really have an answer, he's busy making Skidoo turbo's Darren at E&S is looking into the same system that MC express uses. But that seems like alot of extra work. Is there a better pump and has any one else had this issue.