Still waiting for you to take responsibility for your actions.
This is all about jamie duke and mac dallman lying to all of us here on snowest, as well as to usfs law enforcement, about your 10/12/08 poaching.
Also, the mcdonalds garbage you left at the parking lot really put teh hitman over the edge.
If there is one thing that really really pisses teh hitman off, its clueless punks littering in the most beautiful place i know.....alaska!
You think this public bashing on the internet sucks?
You wait until you find yourself face to face with teh hitman 15 miles deep into the backcountry.
That is when you are really going to be hating life.
Now may be a good time to call your dad at hutchins chevrolet, ask him to go over to the repair shop and borrow the tool to help you pull your head out of your ***.
You need it