This spring at Jackson Hole I talked to one of the polaris reps as I was checking out the Rush.He said the chassis, or at least the rear skid will never be implemented on a mountain sled as it is heavier than a conventional skid and weight is death fror a mountain sled.It was developed for the trails and the primary benefit was the weight transfer ability and bump absorption. before the hillclimb I was talking to one of my riding buddies who races RMSHA who got to ride one for a few days,Said he did not want to give it up. said it railed corners like nothing he ever rode. Monday after the hillclimb I went riding with some of the freestyle guys in town for the freestyle event. Jimmy Blaze,Bodin, and about a dozen other guys, one of which was on a rush. I watched these guys launching off of some unbelievable backcountry stuff around Brooks Lake and the Rush works very well for the ramp tramps. It may find a home in the ,mountains as a short track for cornice drops and freestyle riding. Cant wait to see what the season brings. STANDUPNRIDE,HOOD!