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Polaris primary questions.............

Nov 19, 2008
So here is some updates from the last few rides.

I tried adding more weight to the primary, (2 grams) dropped the revs a few hundred rpms at trail speeds but also lowered my max rpm down to 8000. Still running heel clickers with gold spring
Next thing i tried, was a polaris roller secondary with R8R helix. No it is not a team, but polaris brand secondary with 3 rollers. It is the clutch they sold with the perc kits.
Initially i set it up with belt deflection set on 1. After i got a few miles from the cabin, it started squealing when i stopped. Popped the hood and checked, yep, hardly any deflection. (With this setup it ended up around 6000 rpms at 50-55 mph!)
So i set it up to 3 and rode around for a few miles to compare, and its no longer squealing, but i am now 6200-6300 rpms at 50-55mph.
Not a big change, but it doesnt feel near as snappy as when the belt was too tight.
What i noticed, was when it was too tight it pulled HARD all the way to 80 when i ran out of road and had to let off, so ii know it would have gone faster. Now with the deflection right, i am hitting that wall at 80 where it really kind of flattens out.
Can someone explain what i just learned here? With the belt too tight, I can only guess this is what drag racers do and thats why they are always shutting them down and not idling.......
Nov 19, 2008
I also changed my gearing to 21-40. I have to wait until next weekend to test some more. I have a different primary to try, 120-310 spring and 10-58 weights
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