Exactly duffman! You hit the nail on the head, health care has nothing to do with finances nor should it!
When you get hurt or sick, dealing with an insurance company or worrying about money shouldn't be a concern but it is in the states for alot of people, is it not ?
I am not sure if you agree with me or not?
How about retirement? A person has worked their entire life, after all, so why should they have to worry about taking care of their retirement? It would not be compassionate of us as a society to let people starve in old age. So what that most people did without things they wanted in order to take care of their own during the golden years.
The money I paid into Social Security just this year would be worth between $34,402 and $195,832 when I hit the current social security age , depending on how I invested it. Social Security is BROKE right now, and will be costing tax-payers additional billions if not trillions of dollars over the coming years. I am worried a hell of a lot more about my retirement than health care, and we already have a social system in place to "take care" of retirement. It will take me millions of dollars to retire with the standard of living I want. The money I give the government every year would go a long way toward my goal, but I will not see one penny back from Social Security! It's BROKE! Even a million dollar hospital stay is small potatoes compared to the money that I will continue to piss down this rat-hole of social security in my lifetime!
Why in the hell would I want to give these same people control of my health insurance?