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PIDD black screen/update issue


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I am currently having issues with our sleds that have PIDDs. I updated each following the instructions as laid out in the user manual and everything seemed to go as it should but after doing a check on the first one I noticed that every time I went into view the map/GPS screen that it would just go black. I then turned the key off, rebooted and tried again and had the same black screen/no change. I tried this around 3 times before figuring that maybe it just needed to sit disconnected from the battery a while to reset. Kind of shrugging this off as I had updated both these PIDDs twice before with no issues I moved onto the other sled with the PIDD and went through it's update procedure (not smart in hindsight) and everything seemed smooth as the last one but when I went to reboot I had the same issue with that one! So after thinking it over for a while and double checking the instructions I figured that the only place I could have screwed up was maybe I did something wrong when putting the files on the USB. I went back to the computer, re-downloaded (did complete map both times though I'm not sure that I needed to?) and extracted the files to the USB just the same as I did the first time I am pretty sure. I then went back out to the last sled I was working on and went through the update process again. Again, I just followed the instructions and everything seemed normal until I tried to go into the map/GPS screen and then again I would just get a black back-lit screen with nothing. Difference was this time when I turned the key off to reboot and try again it showed its normal booting screen followed by the Polaris logo but then a just a black back-lit screen here not allowing me to go any further! After paging through the user manual a little more I did locate the manual PIDD update/black screen procedure and followed that but it would not allow me to update/not recognizing the USB as it showed the following screen: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jGBekV6EgWBmArlUFjv-wv2fEcdMG5YJ

I really thought that I did everything right here and exhausted pretty much every avenue to try and fix this issue. Does anybody have any ideas for me? I am really hoping to not have to take it to the dealer but will if I have to. Hoping I can get this fixed and then I will NOT be doing another update after this nightmare!

Also just to give as many other details as possible that could pertain both sleds have a PIDD back up kit in them that I installed using the e-start harness and the smallest 12V lead acid battery that I could find. I did not try anything else on the first sled with just the map issue for fear of making it worse like the other. I did format the USB drive between the first and second update files just to make sure it was not that but I did check the properties of it before doing so and they were FAT32 already so shouldn't have mattered?
Same with mine a few weeks ago. 2 dealers couldn't fix it so one ordered me a new gauge. Works good now, even when I updated the mapping.
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