Contacted slp today and they got back to me and said that they don't have a map for the 700, just the 8s
Will the pc-3 maps work through the v's?
I bought it today and also signed up on there but im not seeing any maps other than the ones for the 8s,
Jim has the following maps for the 700:
(2) maps for the 700 with STOCK pipe,
(1) for 700 w/SLP pipe w/STOCK muff,
(1) w/Dynoport Single Pipe w/Stock Muff,
at the minimum, derived from his dyno-testing on Jan 1, 2009 on a 2008 D7 with Dec 2008 re-flash.
That's odd that SLP would sell a pipe for a 700 and not offer the mapping that would be necessary to accompany it?????????
The map will work on BOTH PC-3 & PC-5, but will have to be manually inputted into either PC- or PC-5 (3 minutes work, just type the #'s into the correct "cell" on the graph)
Just give Jim a call @ (585) 993-2777 cell or e-mail him at :info@dynotechresearch.com, or p.m. him here on SnoWest