I have a parker knock box on my 09 nytro with an impulse turbo. The sensor bolts onto the oil cooler in the same location as the aftercooler hold down bolt. I also have an external waste gate as well. I have turned it up the adjustment like 4 notches past where it shuts off the red light at an idle and I am still having the light go off every time i am at full throttle. I am running 114oct/108motor octane fuel and it will still go off with it turned down to 10lbs. I don't know if this is normal and I just need to turn up the sensitivity or if it is the intercooler bolt rattling because its just there to keep it from blowing off and it not actually tight or maybe the waste gate is setting it off? put it on so I wouldn't have to worry if I started running 50/50 fuel.