Ya, no matter how non important you think it is the school is always gonna use their power to the full extent of their capability. When I was in school it used to be ok to carry a knife as long as the blade was under 3" or 2" or somethin like that...i think that has changed now though. But if there has been any kind of incident before, involving the same kid or not, the school will use that against him. For example, when I was in high school, an elementary kid brought a pistol to school claiming that he was going to shoot one of the girls in his class for picking on him, another child on the playground herd about it, informed a teacher and the kids were held, and the weapon was found. But anyway, later that year I rode to lunch with one of my friends, he had a green and orange nerf pistol in his car and when we got back to school I had it in my hand and walked into the school carrying it and was shootin the darts at people by my locker. I went to my next class, and pretty soon the princial was knocking on the door, saying he needed to talk to me. He pulled me out and said someone told him I had a "gun like" object in my locker...I took him to it and showed it to him and explained how it got there. He then made me come sit in his office while he called my parents and told them what happened. He decided that I needed to be suspended as that toy "could be used to hold up a bank if i held it under my shirt" even though it was a neon green and orange nerf gun. As most eastern Montanan's would, they thought it was pretty ridiculous and my dad just basically laughed as they suspended me for 3 days (just gave him a chance to have me help out around the farm) But I guess i'm saying this type of thing has happened, and will continue to happen as I don't think anything on these subjects is gonna get any more lax in school policies.