My son is 12 years old and got called into the office for a problem involving a pocket knife.. We all know its against the rules to bring them to school, but my sons friend did bring his. He showed it to my son on the playground and was telling him how it was his grandpa's and his dad gave it to him last weekend. That was it, of course any kid with a cool new knife is worth talking about so my son told his friend and that is where the trouble started.
So I get a call at 1:30 aprox. at work from the principal "Dr. so and so" just eats my craw cause he sure as he11 isnt a doctor IMO!! but anyway, I find out that they called my son into the office at lunch hour (11:50) and they have all but got him admitting to about anything they say. I mean, Wyatt musta known he was bringing the knife to school, and he was braggin bout it to all his friends, while he also was telling them he had one to...<-------NOT. Anyway it was totally his friend that brought it and showed it to him and NOW the Dr. azzhoole principal is telling me that they COULD suspend my son as well just for his involvment, but they were not going to at this time.
At this point I am NOT very happy at all and I asked the principal why my son was even involved? He said because he admitted "if it were my grandpas I would have shown it to my friend to"
So the SERIOUS question,
How much leeway does the public schools have to interigate our children without us present? Shouldnt they have the responsibility to call us parents to be present before a 90 minute interagation? do our kids even have any rights?
So I get a call at 1:30 aprox. at work from the principal "Dr. so and so" just eats my craw cause he sure as he11 isnt a doctor IMO!! but anyway, I find out that they called my son into the office at lunch hour (11:50) and they have all but got him admitting to about anything they say. I mean, Wyatt musta known he was bringing the knife to school, and he was braggin bout it to all his friends, while he also was telling them he had one to...<-------NOT. Anyway it was totally his friend that brought it and showed it to him and NOW the Dr. azzhoole principal is telling me that they COULD suspend my son as well just for his involvment, but they were not going to at this time.
At this point I am NOT very happy at all and I asked the principal why my son was even involved? He said because he admitted "if it were my grandpas I would have shown it to my friend to"
So the SERIOUS question,
How much leeway does the public schools have to interigate our children without us present? Shouldnt they have the responsibility to call us parents to be present before a 90 minute interagation? do our kids even have any rights?