The Nytro A arms are tough alright. So tough that the subframe pretzels before they even bend. Was crossing a creek today and halfway up the far bank one ski punched through into a void and me and the sled came to an abrupt stop. No visible damage, except my knee that will be sore for a week and a ski that was just about 3" to far back. Still handled fine, got her back to the shop and all apart, the steel subframe is bent, not a single other part seems even stressed. Not to tough of a repair, same hit on my last sled (rev) would have meant a horrible NUN replacement. Better still the "Front frame assembly" is on back order with no ETA. $540.00 in parts and 4 hours or labor. I love sledding Woo Woo. If the part don't show next week I will ride it crooked. Was bombing three plus feet of sweet savory powder before and after the tussle. Guess I can't complain, at least I got my suspension dial prior to the piule up.
Better luck to everyone else this weekend Cheers!
Better luck to everyone else this weekend Cheers!