Hey Ricks,
Good information. I always thought the Doo went straight up beat up hills very well because of great stability (that contributed to tough sidehilling). My buddy can "park" his Pro on a steep side hill and said he would never do it with his Doo. It just had a mind of it's own at times (don't they all!).
I was curious how you felt coming off of your M8. Did you still favor your M8 (you have been used to that chassis) or did you feel "naturally" better on the Pro? Coming from my D8 it was a very easy transition to the Pro. It does everything the IQ did well plus so much more.
Good information. I always thought the Doo went straight up beat up hills very well because of great stability (that contributed to tough sidehilling). My buddy can "park" his Pro on a steep side hill and said he would never do it with his Doo. It just had a mind of it's own at times (don't they all!).
I was curious how you felt coming off of your M8. Did you still favor your M8 (you have been used to that chassis) or did you feel "naturally" better on the Pro? Coming from my D8 it was a very easy transition to the Pro. It does everything the IQ did well plus so much more.