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Our great President Trump supports bill

That is truly remarkable that someone claiming to be the leader of the GOP is supporting such a bill. Mainly because Flag Burning is a sure fire way to fire up the conservative base and has been used for years for just that. I remember a funny interveiw with then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. It was during a bunch of riots in the middle east and someone asked her how she felt about being in her position and seeing rioters burning the flag while protesting the beliefs and practices of the USA. I never will forget her answer it was a very simple one. Said simplely said, "If politicians wanted to stop this display from happening all they would have to do is pass a law that stipulates companies who make the American Flag to make it out of flame reatardent material that would not burn". I never understood why people get so upset about it. These same people will buy door mats with the american flag on it. mud flaps with the american flag on it and countless other products that would seem to be very disrespectful of the flag itself but these same people will scream bloody murder if they see someone buring or stepping on one.. Much in the same way you will never win the war with ISIS. The flag is a symbol for a belief structure. the Flag itself is just 3 colors sown together to create a pattern. However it represents so much more then the material it is made out of and that is not going to ever change by someone simply buring it or walking on it. I am a half a century old and have never seen anyone being outrages over the american flag being printed on a rubber door mat that people wipe their feet on. It must come down to these people just hate it when people ruin perfectly good fabric that the flag is made out of i guess
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Or maybe we could lift pictures off the net and print high resolution pictures of bholmates grandmother in her younger days sucking a big rooster with a phone number and put on a mud flap- cool! Make it your town/borough flag that children salute to, well, geeze, I don't know how ANYONE could find that offensive.

That said, I wouldn't do any of the above, but I'll always question the worth of someone who is perpetually ignorant on others values, then virtue signals superiority.

Long winded way to say what a worthless ignorant piece of shiat you are bholmate. Hopefully this provides clarity.
If it seemed like I singled you out on this I'm also thinking that simple and probably a couple others' worthlessness existness is applicable.

Please simple, provide your expertise on English. Thanks in advance.
So let me get this straight-according to you trumpies burning the flag, which is very well settled in law as protected under the first amendment that you trumpies so dearly love, should be banned but a private company like Twitter banning Donny for the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theatre (also well settled in case law as not being protected under the 1st amendment) is bad?? You trumpies sure are confused.

And LE-to quote one of the great movies of all time-you are in more dire need of a blowjob than any white man in history. All you do is bitch, maybe you need to relax a bit.
Ah, but this is not an equal right whatsoever.

The monent you threaten or chose to actually escalate something to the point of violence, the person doing that is violating their right to free speach/expression. You may not like what they are doing, you can yell and and scream and throw a fit over it. When you use violence or the threat of violence to prevent or in retaliation to someone exercising their constitutional rights, you are in the wrong. That is un American.

Liberty is not about left or right dem/rep etc etc. Liberty is about personal choice and freedom. Clear and strong protections of personal liberty is one of the most clear goals in the bill of rights.
Then how come it is alright for BLM and Antifa to use violence and destruction to destroy others freedoms and liberty's. To me and millions of others and especially veterans the burning of a American Flag is as hurtful to us as it is to a gay being call a fagot !!
ÖThat's quite the diatribe.
"A" for all of the effort you put into that.

You have a point, and in many scenarios I would call your stance correct.
But as we regularly see people on the evening news desecrating our flag in despicable ways I have no issues with someone willing to right that wrong.

Out of curiosity, I would like to ask fellow members if they agree with my stance on that or disagree.
I'm open minded enough to listen to others.
Let's hear it.
I agree with your stance !!!
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