I just finished that booklet by Sheriff Mack and he has the perfect solution. He said to stop contacting Congress because they don't give a crap. Our first line of defense is the County Sheriff. Sheriff Joe Arpaio wrote the blurb on the back of the booklet and obviously follows Mack's advice.
If you didn't read my other thread on this, Mack is a retired cop. He was police, undercover narc, sheriff and FBI during his career. He wrote a booklet called "The County Sheriff: America's Last Hope." The office of sheriff is elected by the people alone and is not subject to federal enforcement. The supreme law of the land is the Constitution and law enforcement (LE) swears an oath to uphold it.
He said we can no longer depend on the federal government to provide protection and security for the well being of its people, either Democrats or Republicans.
"Our American Republic has been replaced by a corrupt system of political correctness. The founders of America warned us repeatedly in their writing and their intent to avoid gun control, a welfare state, a police state, entangling foreign alliances, a grandiose and omnipotent central government, enslaving taxation, paper money not backed by a gold and silver standard and the list goes on."
He said the political platforms of both major parties have promoted each and every one of these socialistic or communistic ideals, that our country was specifically established to prevent. He said JFK and Reagan's mottos are almost comical today, so far are we removed from them. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country" and "Government is not the solution to the problem, gvt is the problem."
Who will protect the average everyday American from the abuse of the IRS or any other alphabet soup bureaucracy in Washington? He explains how DC is corrupt, the IRS shouldn't constitutionally exist and tells us of all the illegal Gestapo tactics IRS has used against people.
He explains how LE should not be following "laws" when they are unconstitutional and how LE answers to no one in the Fed. Some police have been doing whatever state legislators or supreme court rulings mandate, but that is abdicating their role as part of the executive branch and to keep their oath to uphold to the Constitution. "The Federal government did not hire us (LE), they cannot fire us and they can't tell us what to do."
He gives examples of the Sheriff protecting the people instead of furthring corruption. One was a case in Nye County, NV, where the Sheriff prevented IRS agents from seizing cattle from a local rancher. Another was when a WY sheriff made a policy that all federal agents have to check with them first before they can make arrests, serve papers or confiscate property because Feds asked local LE for help to round up innocent family they thought were illegals. Ended up they were American citizens.
Anyway, you have to read it to understand the proof he gives and what he found in his LE career.
The book is 8.5 x 6", 8 or 9 bucks, only 50 pages and takes about two hours or less to read the whole thing.