Some information about the race (the original info was incorrect)
Registration is THE DAY of the race, between 8:00 and 9:30 AM
The rate is $40 per class with payback
Some tech this year
No pre-registration
Unlimited classes to enter
2Fun4U I would suggest the loser (between F-bomb and Janet) this year has to wear a tutu at next year's race... while racing (it will go well with the B-wear
Registration is THE DAY of the race, between 8:00 and 9:30 AM
The rate is $40 per class with payback
Some tech this year
No pre-registration
Unlimited classes to enter
2Fun4U I would suggest the loser (between F-bomb and Janet) this year has to wear a tutu at next year's race... while racing (it will go well with the B-wear