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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Well now that my dealer is gone, there isn't a chance I'll be buying that overpriced ski-doo oil from anyone else.

I got some free Blue Marble back a few years ago, it worked good. No Magic though. Never went wrong with Yamalube - although now they are a 4-stroke company? Maybe Amsoil if I can avoid the bible salesman that peddle it?

What do you guys use and why?

What to the motor dudes on here have to say...?
Nov 26, 2007
Helena, MT
IndyDan, the man who BUILDS cranks says to run Castrol 2T or any other kind of dino oil. He was actually talking about voiding the warranty on his cranks if full-syn was used.
I would stay away from Amsoil if anything.
I've had good luck with Klotz but after was Indydan said I'm saving my money and going with straight dino.
Look up his thread, I believe if you search for 900 cranks in the Poo section you'll find it
Nov 26, 2007
IndyDan, the man who BUILDS cranks says to run Castrol 2T or any other kind of dino oil. He was actually talking about voiding the warranty on his cranks if full-syn was used.
I would stay away from Amsoil if anything.
I've had good luck with Klotz but after was Indydan said I'm saving my money and going with straight dino.
Look up his thread, I believe if you search for 900 cranks in the Poo section you'll find it

two sides to everything, lots of guys have good luck using syn. Heck, the Viper comes from Dodge factories with full syn in the crank case and even for break-in. 30 yrs ago - running syn for break in was a cardinal sin.
Doo also recommends running full syn from day 1.

Portgrinder - talk to the oil guys, not the motor guys, for a good explanation of what oil does and what different components do. I run a semi-blend since I jet lean and need the sulphated ash of the non-syn components to help cool the piston domes. Lots of various formulations do different things. Full syn will burn almost completely away. Guys prefer BM and such because eveything stays "clean" in the motor, but sometimes you want some residual oil left on the moving parts or on other areas to keep things cooler or lubed when it isn't getting any (at idle, etc).


winter brew

Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
I'm no fan of BM or Amsoil and have run both and had problems with both (oil related problems). Most any decent blend or full petro oil is a better choice for protection. I run the Doo blend because I get a good price on it.
Ditto on the comment above about guys liking a oil because everything is "so clean"....this is a BAD thing, no oil=no corrosion or startup protection.....just run the cheap stuff and lots of it! :beer;:)
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I dunno, I've run Amsoil for two years now, and have buddies who have run it for about since the beginning, with no oil related failures. However, with the price of it now, how much I burn, and the fact that I will be moving to college, I'll probably turn up the oiler a bit and run Castrol 2T, or if I can find it, Injex.
Oct 13, 2008
I've run amsoil in 2 07 800r's for 2 years now. No problems at all. Both have slp kits on them and are run hard. A bit pricey but worth it IMO. Brew I think when the guys on here talk about how clean it is they mean there is no carbon build up. Just because it is clean does not mean there is no oil on it. I checked my rave valves after a few hundred miles and there was no carbon on them but there was a layer of clean oil on them. Good lubrication lack of carbon = :D:D:D
Apr 26, 2009
Opti oil

I am seeing quite a few guys running Opti oil with no problems, & I also no of a fair size rental company with each sled doing roughly 3500 km a season with very few problems oil related, Bad riders on rentals thats another story. it seems to be reasonably priced.

Whats your thoughts guys?


Feb 26, 2008
Bismarck, ND
Whats that cheap stuff you can buy at Walmart? Ya, thats mine is, not even sure of the namebut have never had a problem oil related in any of our sleds, and we do 1500 miles a year easy on each sled. I would rather like to know my oil is being used and burnt up than not, I don't like fll synthetics in 2 strokes, in my mind not the place for them.

A reason a Dodge Viper comes with full synthetic? It is not a 2 stroke that burns the oil, different style of engine needs different lubrication types. Oil guys and engine guys can agree on that.


Modding mini's
Lifetime Membership
Jul 5, 2001
Twin Rivers
Did Torco go under?
Isn't it the same company as Phillips 66/Injex?
Too bad, I run GP7 in my mod. been doing so for years. Never an issue with oil. Good thing I have a few gallon cases of the stuff. I think their semi is SST? Good stuff as well, old man sells the stuff like crazy at his shop.
Joel, shoot me a PM, I might have a proposition for you.
Nov 26, 2007
Whats that cheap stuff you can buy at Walmart? Ya, thats mine is, not even sure of the namebut have never had a problem oil related in any of our sleds, and we do 1500 miles a year easy on each sled. I would rather like to know my oil is being used and burnt up than not, I don't like fll synthetics in 2 strokes, in my mind not the place for them.

A reason a Dodge Viper comes with full synthetic? It is not a 2 stroke that burns the oil, different style of engine needs different lubrication types. Oil guys and engine guys can agree on that.

Super Tech. in the blue jug. That is what I use and most of my riding buddies. Not an oil problem with any of our sleds in over 5 years. $10/ gal.

Buying two stroke oil is like wiping your arss with money. You may think you are getting a nice clean *** wiping with $100 dollars bills, but $1 dollar bills do the same job and your arss doesn't know the difference.
Nov 26, 2007
A reason a Dodge Viper comes with full synthetic? It is not a 2 stroke that burns the oil, different style of engine needs different lubrication types. Oil guys and engine guys can agree on that.

I think you missed my point. Its not about engine type. Years ago, a lot of syns were seen as bad and would corrode seals etc. Talk to any old engine builder, using syn in a high performance application or during break-in was a big no-no. The rings would not seat properly, etc. Over the years the formulations were improved and now they are as good as most other oils out there. The fact that Dodge/Ski Do/Whoever is willing to use syn for the life of the motor is a testament to the fact that they have improved that much. Most motors these days will run on either. Some guys just don't like a synthetic for price, etc., while others swear by it - Use what works for you and use lots of it.

May 25, 2008
Oroville Washington
Well, just to add to the debate I have been using strictly ACE oil...Direct from the hardware store!! ACE oil is built by USA lubricants and they were the guys that made Torco. So, I figure it is a good, cheap oil. With the amount that doo puts through their motors and me not stressing it much harder than stock, I have just been saving money.

However, to the guys that say Amsoil is no good...well, that just has never been the case with us. We build our own motors in everything from bikes to sleds to 700 horsepower small blocks for Northwest Modifieds and have NEVER had an issue with AMSOIL in either 50:1 use, 100:1 use or in my 2 stroke race bikes clear out to 150:1 or synthetics in use of the cars. Absolutely zero crank failures, no piston scuffing and I have never had a motor lock up even running down to white plug colors in the two strokes.

Synthetic oil DOESNT BURN!!!

I want everyone that says synthetic oil isnt as good as conventional to think about this. It is not reccomended by any motor builder to break a motor in on synthetic because it takes longer to seat the rings...Why?? Because synthetic oil is slicker. Now, im not an oil salesman but to me, the slicker the oil the better right?? Also, in our old hott plate tests synthetic oils were good for a minimum of 150 more degrees of temperature than conventional before loosing their ability to lubricate. Combine that with the FACT that synthetic oils can incapsulate 2X the amount of particles and keep lubricating than conventional oils and you have all the knowledge that you should need to realize that synthetic oil is the superior product to use. Not to say that conventional oil wont get the job done or anything like that.

JMO and flame away but I will stick with my good ol AMSOIL when we go boosted this next season, I will run synthetic in the turbo as well and I will go to the hills KNOWING that I will NOT have oil related problems.



Paid Premium Member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 31, 2006
Kremmling, Colorado
Whats that cheap stuff you can buy at Walmart? Ya, thats mine is, not even sure of the namebut have never had a problem oil related in any of our sleds, and we do 1500 miles a year easy on each sled. I would rather like to know my oil is being used and burnt up than not, I don't like fll synthetics in 2 strokes, in my mind not the place for them.

A reason a Dodge Viper comes with full synthetic? It is not a 2 stroke that burns the oil, different style of engine needs different lubrication types. Oil guys and engine guys can agree on that.

The WalMart here sells 2 brands. Injex and some other stuff in a blue bottle. $16 a gallon versus $30 a gallon. I have used over 20 gallons of injex in past sleds and never had an issue.

I have used everything and never had a problem with oil issues. I am running the BRP stuff now cause I got it at a good price. I have BlueMarble and Amsoil in my garage and I am using that in my dirtbike.

I have also used Redline and Klotz with no issues either, they smell good while being used but Injex is way cheaper and it works. Less money on oil means you can use more money on trips and other mods.
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