I'm definately on here to learn as well..
Sorry for the "short" reply above.... I'm wrong in my life about as much as I'm right.
My guess is this pooling of oil (I've seen it too) upon dissassemby is not representative of the engine in use at temperature with all the windage from the crank and rods and air being sucked thru the motor.... Also, the synthetics dont stick to the parts as well and I'm sure that after sitting, a lot of that oil that is coating parts settles into the bottom of the crank until the engine comes up to temp and speed again.
Kelsey, no.. this info is not coming from the factory...
So a question for a question... How would a fuel injector that is firing up the boost-transfer port, only at timed intervals, add any oil to the bottom end when the engine is running?
Kelsey, what is the clearance of the crank wheels and rod to the inside of the crank case?
Would that tight clearance create turbulence and "whip" that oil around in there?
Maybe I'm the one that is missing something???