OPEC is what drove the prices up, period.
The relativley tight margin between global supply and demand is what allowed any market manipulation to take place. And I am not really convinced there was any. People paid for $4.00 a gallon gas, so that's what the price was. That's called capitalism. Artifically having the federal government set price caps might as well be considered communist.
OPEC dictates what the global supply will be, the market dictates demand.
If the idiot politicians in this country were serious about doing things that benefit the US economy as well as helping us beome less dependent on OPEC, then then roughly 1/2 of Washington would be doing exactly the opposite of what they have been doing for the last 30 years, and trying to find ways to make it as cheap as possible for US operating companies to operate DOMESTICALLY as opposed to doing everything they can to make it as impossible and expensive as they can to drill here.
zzzzzzzzzzz------zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz----snore--------zzzzzzzzzzz----huh ?, what? oh!,
So if OPEC controls the price of oil then they must have tripled production to get it to go down to its current price cause I doubt if demand has dropped off that much, bet they're glad they did that !!! zzzzzzzz----zzzzzzzzz-----zzzzzzzzz------zzzzzzzzz No, I think the speculators got their behinds burned and now the price is being determined by a normal market that responds more to supply and demand and the occasional mideast threat of military action.
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