NASA is the stepchild that everyone points too, and talks about how much it cost. Never realizing that it has paid for itself many times over.
NASA is the reason we can afford to put spy satellites in orbit. It is responsible for "scientific advances", advanced materials, hypersonic flight, heavy lift capability, put the first men on the moon.
Go ahead and cut it's budget, you can put all those workers (NASA and it's suppliers) back into the work force, pushing the stupid people out the bottom of the employment workforce tree, and pay them the same in welfare checks. And, fall behind the Indians, the Chinese, the Russians, the French, what the heck maybe even North Korea.
If your talking about Spirit and Opportunity Rovers, the total combined cost was $820 Million That wouldn't keep Obama in Jet Fuel. Heck look at the Hubble space telescope. It's cost a fortune to keep in orbit, but it's also done more to inspire kids to go into science, than anything else. Hell, I got interested in science because of NASA. Their not just wasting money, at least that's this geek's point of view.