HA^^...its not easy for some guys 2poor...althought that would really make that 700 move..its a super easy conversion from the 755 to the 900...
my IMP list would have to be...(W/O the motor coming out)
--check ALL visbile wiring for chaffing
--check all visible hoses for chaffing
--wrap ALL wiring thats near the pipe/can to protect it from melting from the heat (including in front of the pipe by the boost box)
--check yor throttle body boots for cracks (and replace if there is, and cover them with heat tape to reflect heat from y-pipe from cracking them)
--set your TPS
--grease ALL your suspension and the driveshaft housing/speedo housing
--check your clutches, clean the sheaves, set belt deflection, float your secondary, replace springs in both if older then a year
--get the FBF throttle/oiler cable
--check for any exhaust leaks from the cylinder/y-pipe or from teh pipe dounts and seal them up with heat temp silicone and DOUBLE your exhaust springs up on each tab
--check your track tension
ride the PISS outta the sled and have fun...then start a super mod sled build next spring