Good to Go
Sooooo, Saturday started out with a short ride and a "Let's cut our losses" down at Woods and Steel. Was with H20SKE and crew. Weren't there to long and realized that it was going to SUCK.
Consensus was to pull off, reload and head somewhere else. Had to convince Paul that the great trails (and they were nice, really. But that grooming thing is a banned subject for me..
) weren't a good enough reason to stay.
We loaded up and headed back to Crystal Springs. It was SNOWING!
Had a good ride, through some trees I had no business being in, etc, etc. Mirror lake area, lot's of new I hadn't seen. Thanks to Perm for the tour!!
Got back to the truck, ate a delayed lunch, lot's of coffee and....we'll, "let's head home honey".
Started the truck, warming it up, putting stuff away in the trailer. Clunk. Smoke. "I'm not sure girl, but I don't think smoke coming from under the hood is a good thing"..

No go no more. And the thought of rolling in the snow trying to fix something that I can't didn't fly well.
Then I thought..! Hey, Gooser got towed off a couple of weeks ago! Quick phone call to Wyrsch's. No problem, they send the tow truck up. I had given them the weights of the truck and of the trailer and they requested that they couldn't pull the trailer. No problem. My buddy Jimmy said he'd come up.
Both trucks got there within a couple of minutes of each other (nothing like American Express and the promise of food and wine to bring the rescue party).
Loaded the truck up, hooked up the trailer, ready to go.... Doh! Mr. Tow Truck couldn't get the bed back onto the truck. WTH..? I saw pictures of NWGooser's rig?! Driver even mentioned that he knew they had done it a few weeks ago. But nooooooo, he couldn't get it up
Plan 'B'.
Left the truck. Sent Mr. Tow home.
Went home, picked up the only trailer I had that was still empty, drove back up and got the rig on. Truck fit between the rails by about 3", had an extra 12" at the rear still. Nice fit. Drove home in chains. Great evening on the town with the WTB.

So, what I want to know, what makes NWGooser so much better than the rest of us? How come HE gets the special service? Feeling hurt here..
NW Gooser's story
Paul, stay in your own damn lane next time...

Consensus was to pull off, reload and head somewhere else. Had to convince Paul that the great trails (and they were nice, really. But that grooming thing is a banned subject for me..
We loaded up and headed back to Crystal Springs. It was SNOWING!
Had a good ride, through some trees I had no business being in, etc, etc. Mirror lake area, lot's of new I hadn't seen. Thanks to Perm for the tour!!
Got back to the truck, ate a delayed lunch, lot's of coffee and....we'll, "let's head home honey".
Started the truck, warming it up, putting stuff away in the trailer. Clunk. Smoke. "I'm not sure girl, but I don't think smoke coming from under the hood is a good thing"..
No go no more. And the thought of rolling in the snow trying to fix something that I can't didn't fly well.
Then I thought..! Hey, Gooser got towed off a couple of weeks ago! Quick phone call to Wyrsch's. No problem, they send the tow truck up. I had given them the weights of the truck and of the trailer and they requested that they couldn't pull the trailer. No problem. My buddy Jimmy said he'd come up.
Both trucks got there within a couple of minutes of each other (nothing like American Express and the promise of food and wine to bring the rescue party).
Loaded the truck up, hooked up the trailer, ready to go.... Doh! Mr. Tow Truck couldn't get the bed back onto the truck. WTH..? I saw pictures of NWGooser's rig?! Driver even mentioned that he knew they had done it a few weeks ago. But nooooooo, he couldn't get it up
Plan 'B'.
Left the truck. Sent Mr. Tow home.
Went home, picked up the only trailer I had that was still empty, drove back up and got the rig on. Truck fit between the rails by about 3", had an extra 12" at the rear still. Nice fit. Drove home in chains. Great evening on the town with the WTB.

So, what I want to know, what makes NWGooser so much better than the rest of us? How come HE gets the special service? Feeling hurt here..
NW Gooser's story
Paul, stay in your own damn lane next time...