I will just add this, The winter travel plan will not change for this winter. So this year is the same as last. What has kind of put a slow down on the travel plan was the fact the Snowmobilers questioned the Wolverine issue and how it could effect closures. We have inspired a study conducted by the foremost expert on the Wolverine, the guy heading the study totaly non bias. Please understand if the study shows displacement of the animal by recreation then both snowmobilers and skiers will be shut out. I have a feeling that they will be a non issue and areas slated for closure will have to remain open. I HOPE!!!!
I know you've been fighting this for a long time FatRunt, but snowmobilers need you man. Hope you'll help our non-deserving azzes out.
Just in case you guys don't know Fatrunt, he's done more to keep McCall a sled town than just about anybody. Buy him a beer next time you meet him.