Sat night sleddy when I have a
in hand.
Bonz, no one ever said McCain has never taken a conservative position. What he also has a habit of doing is taking very non-conservative positions and stabbing his own party in the back which you failed to mention. I've always been a proponent of voting party over candidate and I would imagine that conservatives including El Rushbo and some of the other anti McCain folks will choose the lesser of two evils when faced with the prospect of the Billary.

Bonz, no one ever said McCain has never taken a conservative position. What he also has a habit of doing is taking very non-conservative positions and stabbing his own party in the back which you failed to mention. I've always been a proponent of voting party over candidate and I would imagine that conservatives including El Rushbo and some of the other anti McCain folks will choose the lesser of two evils when faced with the prospect of the Billary.