I had the same problem on my td8 on the first couple of rides but my reason was not the same.
Me and Justin thougth about it for a looooong time trying to thin about all the possibilities. Looked at the tension in the wastegate, it was ok, dismount everything to make sure nothing was blocking the wastegate and that it was working properly, look for leaks, my last choice was to drew the hole of the waste gate bigger but I didnt have to do it in the end which Im pretty happy with!
Keep in mind that it was minus 10 cielsius on the test ride so Justin thought the air was too dense especially at 0 elevation! But no, now I can boost zero psi if I wan't and here is what my problem was..
The attitude box!!! At first i had the instructions for the gen 3 so the install was not even close to be okay lol. The fuel injection was so ****ed up that it would backfire non stop when reving up higher than 6000rpm. Everytime there was a backfire the pipe was push out of the y-pipe thus creating a leak in the circuit and of course with the explosion a back pressure issue. At least that was my conclusion. As soon as I redid the wiring and that it would not backfiring anymore the boost went straitght back to zero. I began testing at 3 psi, than 4-5, and now Im running 7-8 psi with almost no problem.
All that to say, there can be a lot of reasons why it is not going lower than 8 psi. Keep in mind you may have to drill the wastegate hole bigger to allow for an easier airflow.