SAY What????
I dont think Ruffy intended this post to be about lights, but what the heck..
If your going to post stuff you should at least know what your talking about..
TT is a great co and has good lights
There are some very important diff. between the cyclops and TT product both put out close to the same amount of light..
Cyclops is the only lighting manufacture that supports EVERY 24 hr race in AM and Canada. we travel to every 24 hr from Alabama to WA
our lights have won the Baja, 24 hrs of Perry mtn, Glen Helen, GOLDENDALE, the tough one,Last man standing,ETC. ETC..
We also support and advertise on Snow West..
We also will bend over backwards to support our customers..and are based out of WA st..
Sorry for the rant. It just amazes me that guys will post up crap that they have really no knowledge of.
Whatever light you use .. just do it .. get out and ride!!!
Easy Friend. You do not know who I am or what I do or do not know about Trailtech. You made accusations and implied several things that were not necessary.
I agree with you though. Just get some good lights and have a great night ride!