Sure. trapping boost pressure in a two stroke is the difficult part. Turbo's work as a compressor and a variable exhaust back pressure valve. The problem is that on a two stroke the ex port is still open when the intake port closes. All your boost pressure goes out the ex port. The pipe can only make a limited amount of pulse wave back pressure. In order to keep that pulse wave pressure the same amount above the boost pressure the entire backpressure in the exhaust must be increased. In order to do this most have restricted the exhaust but there is a problem. As the engine speed and hp output increases the flow in the exhaust must increase with it in order to maitain the backpressure in the exhaust at a constant above boost pressure. Also at no boost situations the restriction cannot be there as it will cause piston overheating, deto, poor runability. If it gets to high at WOT then you start to put ex gas back in the cylinder and your get deto, blown pistons, and a loss of power. If it is to low then boost charge goes into the exhaust system and power and fuel economy suffers. The turbine part of the turbo when sized properly creates back pressure but allows flow to increase as the turbine spins faster. It is an infinately variable ex valve by it's nature.
So an ecu could control and ex valve that had the proper inputs or a mechanical device could work as long as it also had the proper inputs. I have tried a set restrictor and others have also but it may work on minute and then not work the next.
Not sure what rip charger has done but I am sure that with the ecu controls we have now it is not that difficult to figuire out.
the first one I did was on a 1990 500 Polaris l/c. It made between 10-15 lb of boost depending on the pulley I used. Didn't have a dyno back then so it was all seat of the pants. It was slighly faster but would burn through a whole tank of fuel in 30 miles. I finally restricted the exhaust and I began beatting my buddies by and extra ten lengths in a drag race. Good for two runs then it would blow a head gasket or burn a piston. You couldn't get the right restrictor orfice to work.
A big name water craft racer back then named Chris (the flying fish) Figetty tried running a supercharger on a two stroke watercraft but they soon diissallowed it because of the fuel slick it would leave on the water.