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**NEW** [ 509 FILMS ] - REVOLUTION DVD Teaser

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Good work again Tom and the new camera angle from the front of the sled looking back is awesome. When are you going to show us (Westsiders) some love with a premier night??

I say North Bend Theater!!
Great idea. I'll see about throwing both HD teasers on the Bluray version.

Poor guy, come on up, it's only 93 here

... and Jeff is at 103.

Living near the ocean has some perks .... until the wind changes direction. (and those damn homeless people break my fence & crap in the yard)

The original teaser for Evolution was different than the film.

Oh ... boy Blu-Ray version ... what is the time frame for final release of Blu-Ray?
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To short, so now I will buy it to finish the rest!! Awesome teaser can't wait until it shows up:beer;:D:beer;
Great................Last time I drank with both JOP and Griz I ended up licking cousin it's face


I believe there was some ear involved as well.

Pictures confirm

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Looks good Tom. Goggles look great too. See you soon at the snow show tour.
damnit. I've been selling 508 1/2 stuff for a while now. It just got shut down too.
Knockoff Evolution decals, what is this world coming to! LMAO

Thanks for the heads up, the ebay auctions have been 'handled' :beer;

I live nwear Hollyweird ... oops Hollywood.

You're Evolution decals combine two well known "icons" everyone can relate to.

Can I buy the copy rights?

Will the next video be EVO to the REVO or Evolution from the Revolution or should we say enfusion with no dilution to the conclusion of a radical audio/visual sleddin solution ?

I think an Evolution / Revolution T-shirt could be on the horizon.
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Ya and too bad it was Motleyones sloppy seconds or she would have really worked you over Sawyer. JOP, she was ready to pack you up in her little suitcase and take you home with her! What a night!

Awesome teaser Tom, can't wait for the premier. Can't wait for next year! Time to step it up.

Great................Last time I drank with both JOP and Griz I ended up licking cousin it's face

Tom, man that looks and sounds awesome man.... the distinct way you package your product is off the hook clean, professional and easy to market.... you got a thing going here man.... GREAT stuff
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