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new 2009 d8 163


Super B

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2002
Monticello, MN
Sounds like a blast Rob! I will talk with Jonce and see what he wants to do. Also, do you happen to know the dates of your customer apprecation ride? Jonce and I would fly out, (do not want to make that drive! LOL!) where would we rent sleds?


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Lewiston, Idaho
Sounds like a blast Rob! I will talk with Jonce and see what he wants to do. Also, do you happen to know the dates of your customer apprecation ride? Jonce and I would fly out, (do not want to make that drive! LOL!) where would we rent sleds?

cheap thrills right in mccall rents out some pretty decent sleds, prolly be your best bet


SnoWest Paid Sponsor
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
South West Idaho
B, Right now we are looking at the week to 10 days prior to Hillclimb in Jackson. The gang from Norway likes to take in the race plus we always have our display going so we can tie it all together in one giant trip. I'd like them to see some of the Wyoming riding that is awesome. We thought we would start in McCall and work our way east. This is all still up in the air depending on their schedules. Now remember that you two are welcome to come out any time that works for you and I'll show you around. Hitting it with the Europeans would be great fun but the better shot at epic western riding is FEB or first of March. I'm good anytime anyday. Yes fly in and rent as we go or we will rent and haul. Part of the plan for the European's trip would be designed around sled renting availability. A great once in a lifetime trip has to have great terrain, food, lodging, sleds, and finally some sort of night life.

Jeremy I have to head to Oregon as soon as I'm finished with your buggy. I'm fighting to hang around for the BSU game but the cows are not cooperating. I'm trying to figure a way to get your sled to McCall or Donnelly but I'll know more when I get finished today and see what everyones plans are. We'll work something out..worse case I'll take it to the ranch and you can turn right at Council and pick it up...pretty much the same result as going to Boise.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Oct 3, 2008
f-bomb am I seeing wrong or is the pic of a sled without track mod; seems as thou the ribs are still there, got the red rails but not sure if I like em until I get all the colors together


SnoWest Paid Sponsor
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
South West Idaho
Ya that is the plain jane stocker untouched. That is a picture from last years Denver sled show. Sled had never even been started at that point in it's life. That one is showing the prototype Holz Racing Products Alpha-X rear skid. (it's yummy)

The red hyfax against black looks really cool yours gonna be black to the red rails? I think that will be cool! I'm gonna do another one is dark blue versus black as well.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 21, 2008
Blackfoot Idaho
Thank to all that replyed to all my question's this has help me alot and I'll quit worring about the new sled it sound like it will rock. I'll get the update installed then get broke in the start moding it. How long does it take to brake the motor in . thank's alot guy's


SnoWest Paid Sponsor
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
South West Idaho
When they do the updates you'll get to do the break in over...and right!

here is what I like to do...there are all kinds of processes but this has worked well for lots of different motors from carb'd turbo'd and efi This process also double checks what a good shop should be attending too when they put your sled together from the crate. (seeing some and knowing what goes on will really make you pay attention to some of these details..ie normally the shops A team isn't doing new sled put togethers)

Stand it with the hose running on the track...idle to pre-engagement until 100*..then engage and work it around over engagement but not over 7000 and be busy for a bit until it heats up to 160*...shut it off and let it cool down. Heat soaked one.
Good time to check belt deflection and ride height position with your clutches. Also double check your track alignment and tension. The track will stretch so it will require some adjustments with time. I like to spray cheap liquid wax on my hyfax prior to ever running the track. (My hyfax last twice as long as my buddies and I run no idlers) You will see instant free movement once it's on all of the clips. This also heats and hardens or seasons your hyfax so that you don't smoke them the first trail run out...
Heat soak two..same process but this time open the h2o fill and jiggle as it initially warms up to insure bubbles are worked out (you can bleed them too). Wax it and keep the hose running on the track through out the process. This time when it reaches 100* you can start hammering it but not leaving it full..just blurp to 8000ish over and over then working around again at mid ranges once again keeping very busy. At 160* let her cool off again (feel and look at clutches and belt again...double check the track..check tention on the chain case adjuster this time. Your secondary should not free play back and forth and they will often loosen (this should be checked often in the first few hundred miles) My 09 was bad with this.
Third times a charm..repeat process two..

Go ride...your belt is seasoned..your stuff is checked out...your rings are seated....I like to go at least fifteen strong minutes on the trail with varying throttle positions and blurping to full. Never more then a few seconds at full out. After that I go ride without concern. Nobody seems to know why but most wake up about 100-150 miles. My strongest runner ever went up a monster hillclimb of over 1 minute full pull after the fifteen mile trail program. That engine has to this day been awesome. I think everything breaks in plus the crap polaris puts in the oil tank is finally out ( I also pull the oil out and run redline but that is your choice ). My stuff never seems to require as much break in before it runs good but I think it's because we pay attention to clutches, hyfax, track tension and such prior to ever going riding.
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