I dont get it. The majority of your country voted for the guy. That means the majority fo the country shared his views on policy.
I don't think most people knew his views on policy because they didn't pay attention.
Something else you have to remember is there is/was a lot of apathy. I found out that MOST people don't do any research into the candidates. I personally don't trust what politicians say, left or right, I look at what they've done and how they've voted in the past. I look at who supports them and who they hang out with (birds of a feather). So I was shocked to hear my Rep's campaign manager tell me that a shockingly high percentage of people not only don't research, but a lot don't even know the names of the candidates until they see them on the ballot (I think he meant state, local and national - not sure how that plays with a presidential campaign where there are ads and speeches, etc.)
You add to that corrupt ACORN literally buying votes (proven in court and employees admitting to it - voter fraud suits in 14 states),
teachers telling 18 year olds that Obama is the guy and then bussing them to the polls, Ayers-like university professors brainwashing young people and making our country out to be evil and something to hate rather than love,
Obama lying and acting like a centrist like Ollie said,
and also like Ollie said a lot of people disenfranchised with Bush/McCain (some of that's the media's fault and some is true),
and, speaking of, a Far Left media that conveniently withholds the truth and we have Obama.
Plus we also have his campaign money - highly suspect campaign contributions by foreigners and multiple contributions made under fake names and with pre-pay credit cards that can't be traced. So he had a lot more financial backing that McCain didn't have because of his integrity. (just because he has integrity doesn't mean I think he'd have made a good president)
I can't remember what the dust-up was with the campaign fiasco too, someone else might, but there was something McCain and Obama had agreed to do, then Obama changed the rules. Does anyone remember?
I've also lost count of how many people fit into the first categories who have now come out and said "I voted for Obama and now I'm sorry I did." They didn't do their research.
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