I do understand what you're saying. We post our land, but it's to keep those troublesome hunters off our land. We also feel like it's good relations to allow the guys that work for us, those who we do work/rent machinery to, to hunt on our land, as well as our neighbors, and our relatives. We also let non-locals hunt our land if they are agreeable people when they ask. We have yet to charge a person to hunt on our land, we are happy to rid ourself of the deer population, but we will save our land for our family and those who have hunted it for many years before we let others get out there. We get gratis license so we hunt only our land. I will not let someone like PCDOC hunt on our land...he is the type of person that leave a bad taste in my mouth. In all honesty, we enjoy the non-local hunters they are appreciative of us allowing them to hunt, they are 100x more courteous than the locals.
I for one know that my $hit stinks, but I do own that property and that gives me the right to leave the land unposted, post it and allow people to hunt, or post it and charge to hunt. That is a benefit of being a land owner.
I do not agree that hunters have driven the price of farm property. I believe that is the larger farms that are in operation now. For instance, we have land that we just took out of CRP this year and were offered twice what we received for our payment for cash rent w/o breaking it up. We are choosing to farm it ourselves. Other land 15 miles south of that land is renting for $90 an acre. It is tough to get farm real estate around our area, I've tried. The land is no longer being bought by hunters, farmers are paying big money for cash rent and to buy land.
Sorry for hijacking this post. I have had this discussion many times and it's something that really gets me going.