Hey everyone, i dont know what to do. My sled is a 2005 rev 800 with 3500km without a problem so far, i bought the sled with about 2500 km and the last 1000 have been pinned to the bar. so im really thinking about rebuilding it befor she blows, im 16 years old and on a tight buget. i have been thinking about the rkt drop in kit because i would like to get a little extra hp out of it but dont want to miss out on riding because i have to get my MPEM re-curved and heard that it takes awile. or should i go with the stock pistons and rebuild it. i would like to rebuild it myself to save some cash but i have never rebuild a sled befor so im worried i will mess something up. i have torn apart chansaws,weedwackers and lawnmowers right down to the pistons and put it all back together and ran fine afterwords, im kind of a mod freak i love modding things up, you should see some of my chainsaws, custome exhaust, little port and polish and custome intake hahahahhaha. so im fairly mechanicaly inclined, my dad is a heavyduity welder and my brother is a heavyduity mechanic so it kind of runs in the family. i really hope someone took the time to read all of this, i would really apprecate any help because i dont knwo what to do. sorry my spelling isnt the best but i really tryed.
Thanks, Travis
Thanks, Travis