Good to find this site! We moved up to Buena Vista, CO last year and skiied all winter. We dirtbike and cruise the Turbo RZR in the summer.....thinking of getting a sled now. Ive only ridden once over in Crested Butte back in 2010 on some junky rental. Need some advice on a beginner sled but dont want a dog. Im 37 and still like some performance. I assume my riding will be 30-50% groomers to get to any of the back country powder over in Taylor Park or up north by Leadville. At this point I dont wana spend a ton on something Im not sure of yet.....I still like to ski but this will get me to some more remote places as well. Im partial to Polaris as well. Budget wise Im not sure of. Dont have a hardline on that but lets say shy of $5k for sure. Allthough Ive seen some super nice 13+ RMK's for around 6ish that look tempting but not sure thats the best sled for what Im after but again not sure. Im mechanically inclined and weigh around 200# just FYI. Thanks in advance!