Read wildchilds t-mo convertion.he talks about doing his but eventually goes to alt impact anyway.
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It Wildcard, ya I narrowed my stock A arms to what I thought was going to be a final 36 inch stance but since I had no shock relocate on the bottom arm like the AI arms do it stood the sled up taller and made the final stance 35.5 it all worked good except when the front end went in the air on a climb or wheelie it would lock the steering and couldn`t turn the bars, so I took a couple extra limiter straps I had and made a front suspensio limiter strap from the top A arm mount down to the lower shock bolt and it wouldn`t let the front suspension fall out as much only needed slightly over an inch and the steering worked fine when in the air. reason It locked the steering is cause of the extreme angle put on the upper Heim ball joint it was actually in such a angle it bound the joint and actually was lookin like it wanted to pull the ball out of the rest of the joint course the joint was sloppy and worn so this didn`t help matters much on lookin like it pullin apart. The limiter strap I made actually worked good and if you narrow your frontend I recommend not takin over 1 inchs in length out of the each arm I did 1.5 and that was to much so the 1 inch would probably not have a bind in it.
I didn this to seen how the sled would handle and how I liked it with a narrow front with really no expense other than my labor a fabricating skills, with the entention to purchase a set of AI arms like I did for the lighter weight option and saving the bulkhead and front nun if the suspension ever smacked anything. Well worth the expense for Dan`s AI arms I have purchase 2 sets, stock stance before and narrow stance now and they are awesome product.
These are the straps I made to work, put a hole or two in them so I could shorten them more just incase.
this is where I mounted the upper part of the strap, you can also see where the welds are I cut and rewelded about 1.5 jto 2inchs out from each A arm mount v gound the cuts and wirefeeded them back together was actually pretty easy.
This is where it was fastened to the shock bolt, with sled setting on its feet limiter had slack and enough for the supension to move up and down correctly just bound up when suspension fell out with both skis in the air, but did sidehill good since either side was compressed from sidehilling
Here I also put a nut as a shim to raise the tierods and realigned the skis I did this cause I thought at first the tierods were binding but they weren`t it was the upper balljoint. you can see the angle of the tierod and this is raised up
If I had it to do again I would just like mentioned I would only take 1inch out of the length of each arm rather the then 1.5 I originaly did
Here is a link to my rebuild, Tmo install and Mods thread
Good Luck, Wildcard