There my friend is the problem, the government creates nothing of value,
I think you misunderstand the point of the federal government. It is not to create anything, but to be a forum of linking all states together to make joint decisions and then distribute funds to carry out those decisions. The point of the federal government is to be a union of states, not a business creating widgets...
It works this way, the federal government takes 100.00 dollars from the private sector in taxes, or credit, wastes over 80 % in the federal beauracracy than sends back 20% to the private sector with all the controls they want.
Really, just 20%? I highly, highly doubt that 20%. In fact, it is just plain wrong. If you look at the budget of the federal govt.. 20% isn't the only thing being spent. Isn't like 10 - 20% spent on the military anyways?
They wish to determine the winners and losers. One can only dream of the economic activity growth that would be created leaving the money in the taxpayers and the private sectors hands. Swampy
Again, I think you miss the point of the government. It isn't to create job, or to create growth, it is to allow the people of the US to join together for common goals that benefit all of society (less of all as of lately).
Things that the govt does that works out pretty well.
USPS (yah it looses money, because it is subsidized by the but loads. Shipped anything to an APO lately?)
Military Development (all private sector)
NASA / Space
Plane develpment
Interstate system (well, before we stopped keeping up with infrastructure improvements)
Research and Development
In all of these, the govt only facilitates the US to direct funds as deemed appropriate.
To state that the US govt doesn't create anything, is erroneous, as it was never designed to create anything in the first place. Does it say anything about creating stuff in the constitution?
I am not saying that the govt is perfect, has no red tape, and does everything correctly. There are functions that work best using a utilized front, which is the federal government.