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Murkowski supports new wilderness bill


pura vida

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
very disappointing. just got this email from SAWS. Mrs. Murkowski seems to support the latest 2 million acre wilderness bill. i think we need to send emails/letters/calls to let her know that she is not representing all alaskans as she should be. kinda long but should be read. i'll try to get her email posted tomorrow unless someone else does it first. bold fond was added by me.


"Senate Democrats flexed their new legislative muscle Sunday, using the first vote of the new Congress to break a Republican filibuster from the previous session of Congress, and advance a wide-ranging land-conservation measure.

The omnibus land bill would preserve more than 2 million acres of land, establish new layers of bureaucracy in the Bureau of Land Management, and designate former President Bill Clinton's childhood home a national historic site.

The bill's supporters, who had been stymied last year by a Republican filibuster, said the measure was long overdue.

"Some have suggested that these bills are not a priority deserving of Senate floor action. I disagree," said Sen. Jeff Bingaman, New Mexico Democrat, the bill's sponsor and chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. "Many of the bills in this package resolve major land- and water-policy issues that have been contested over for years, and in some cases for decades."

A handful of Republican senators, led by Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, bristled at the Sunday vote called by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

"When the American people asked Congress to set a new tone, I don't believe refusing to listen to the concerns of others was what they had in mind," Mr. Coburn said in a statement. "The American people expect us to hold open, civil and thorough debates on costly legislation, not ram through 1,300-page bills when few are watching."

But a large number of more-liberal Republican lawmakers, including Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, sided with the Democratic majority to move the lands bill forward.

"On balance, this omnibus bill is widely supported," said Mrs. Murkowski, the ranking Republican on the Senate energy committee.

The 66-12 vote to end the filibuster was buoyed by 11 Republicans who voted with Democrats.

Mr. Reid, Nevada Democrat, said the Senate would not vote on the bill until seeing how President Bush and President-elect Barack Obama decide to use the remaining Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds.

After their first vote, Senate Democrats met, along with senior Obama economic adviser Lawrence H. Summers, to discuss what will happen with the remaining $350 billion of funds for bailing out the nation's financial institutions and what Mr. Obama will include in his economic-stimulus plan.

Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat, called Senate Democrats to make sure that there will be stricter conditions put on the money and tighter oversight.

Sen. Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, said that while Mr. Obama's economic advisers provided some more details about their economic-stimulus proposal, he said senators have yet to receive anything "in writing."

The first vote of the Senate in the 111th Congress also marks a key victory for Mr. Reid over Mr. Coburn.

Mr. Coburn's allies in the Senate said the land bill, which is composed of 160 separate land measures considered in previous Congresses, is being rammed through the Senate with little debate.

"I smell the same stale air of good old boy, backslapping, lobbyist-driven politics," said Sen. Jim DeMint, South Carolina Republican. "This is not the greatest deliberative body in the world. This is the greatest chokehold body in the world."


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2007
Upper Michigan & Alaska
Wow, kind of shocking...Thanks for the heads up PV!
I wonder if we all voice our concerns she will change her mind? Doesn't hurt to try, doing nothing gets you nothing. I hope this isn't whats to come when Bush leaves....

The Fourth Wolf

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Guys I know the Senator and am friends with some on her staff. I'll make a few calls today and post back here. Alaskans are not real big on the Federal government in general and get fired up real quick whenever the Fed comes looking to lock up more public lands. She knows this and has been a good advocate of multi/wise use on FS/BLM lands.

Lisa is not a greenie, but she is a politician. Meaning to say sometimes they end up supporting something they're not crazy about in order to get something better down the road. Her bolded quote above sounds more like an concession than an endorsement.

pura vida

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
yeah it kinda sounded like the same thing to me, but we still need to let her know how we feel. if nothing else just to keep her reminded there are people paying attention to all politician's words and actions. actually of our three representatives she is really the only one i like. yes young has done a lot for the state but he is pretty much an a-hole and really not that conservative. and don't even get me started on the newb. he is just going to fall lock step in line with the dems, so don't expect any support from him. he may talk a slick game but he is just really sleazy. good god i can stand him. damit i told you not to get me started... anyway, back to the point, i did a quick google search and found this website for contacting her.


there is even a very easy way to write a quick note to her/her staff right on the page. seems pretty convenient.


pura vida

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
This is want i just sent through the above listed site.

Dear Senator Murkowski

I was made aware through an off road advocate group, SAWS, that you have supported the democrats latest wilderness bill (s22) that will designate an additional 2 million acres of public lands as wilderness. I must say I am very disappointed in your decision to support this bill. I am an avid motorized user and supporter of keeping all public lands open for the people they were intended for, the public. I have always felt you have been very supportive of the Alaskan people but this is not something that is going to be well received by the majority of Alaskans. The country has more than enough wilderness areas and adding more does nothing more than force all motorized users into smaller and smaller areas, which in turn leads to greater damage to the few remaining areas available for off road use. This also leads to more conflicts between motorized and non-motorized user which is exactly what the environmental groups want. This gives them more and more ammunition and arguments for shutting down even more land. They will not stop until all land is locked up and no one will have access to our "public" lands. Please, I beg you, in the future do not support any wilderness bill regardless of the states it will effect. This is especially important considering the tenancies of the new administration. I want to have the ability, and in my opinion, the right to share with my children the wonders and excitement of enjoying the outdoors and wilderness through motorized use. Thank you for your time.

A concerned citizen,

Name here

Maybe not the most elegant but good enough for the time spent and i believe it gets the point across. Feel free to use some or all of what i wrote if you don't feel like taking the time to type. but whatever you do be nice and respectful. yelling and name calling does not help our cause.


The Fourth Wolf

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 8, 2008
Anchorage, AK
Well I was up early this am and posted before getting my paper. I'll call her local office director anyway just to give him my two cents but her reasons for voting Yea are right on the front page of the ADN: The King Cove Road.

The remote communities of Cold Bay and King Cove are in the Izembek National Wildlife Re***e. Cold Bay has the airport. In bad weather (frequent on the AK Peninsula) King Cove residents are stranded. Folks wanted a nine mile road to connect the two towns but there's no construction allowed in the re***e. The state tried a grossly expensive hovercraft ferry to transport people and vehicles but the same winds that keeps med-evac helos grounded makes hovercraft ops dangerous.

There's a provision to allow, and build this road in the Omnibus lands bill. That's why she signed it.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 30, 2007
Upper Michigan & Alaska
PV, mind if I plagiarize some of your note? I have wrote to some of our officials before and Lisa (or her staff) has responded fairly quickly. I also share your opinion of our current administration and feel we are going to pay dearly in the long run for the replacement of "Uncle Ted". Hope he is vindicated of these crazy charges....
The Governor is provided a "Governors Mansion", we should have built one for Ted for all the work he has done for this state. We could have built it using $1 from every million he has brought for AK over the years....Sorry, off subject, I will get off my soap box.

Winter Project

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
Anchorage / Gwood
We should all email Sarah Palin and ask her to help reopen Placer River Drainage from Apr 1st-30th. One of my top three rides of my life was there two years ago on April 23rd.... They closed it so cross country skiers could have it to themselves... so 10 skiers get to enjoy what 100+ riders used to enjoy.

Also, DITTO the Ted Stevens comment. I smell a mistrial coming, hopefully sooner than later - then we can get these morons to shut up about renaming our airport.
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pura vida

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
yeah there is a valid argument for that but the sad thing is she is the best we have. better than the other two.

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