My MTX is eating belts
It starts pulling out cords about every 3rd ride. It's been doing it for awhile. It's an 08 with a 150x15x2.5 and excell vector header. Otherwise pretty much stock.
clutch setup
green/white/green primary spring
stock 8FS weights with 17.2 rivets in every hole
pink secondary spring at 100*
stock 39 helix
19/40 gearing
There is no unusual belt residue or wear after riding(clutches look clean), no belt slipping. I had 20/40 gearing in it stock and switching to 19 helped cool the clutches a little. Both get pretty warm but I can keep my hands on them. I have pre-filter over all the vents and the headlight sealed so it's not snow getting on them. I tried lots of different clutch setups and the current one feels the best. My sled will hit 9,100 then drop to 8,800 under a load and hold it. Alignment is perfect and the primary is straight with the secondary. My belt squeals at idle after riding it(belt to tight) but the belt height is good and the distance between the sheaves is within specs.
Is it possible that the belt being a little to tight at idle could cause me to eat belts? This is getting annoying.
clutch setup
green/white/green primary spring
stock 8FS weights with 17.2 rivets in every hole
pink secondary spring at 100*
stock 39 helix
19/40 gearing
There is no unusual belt residue or wear after riding(clutches look clean), no belt slipping. I had 20/40 gearing in it stock and switching to 19 helped cool the clutches a little. Both get pretty warm but I can keep my hands on them. I have pre-filter over all the vents and the headlight sealed so it's not snow getting on them. I tried lots of different clutch setups and the current one feels the best. My sled will hit 9,100 then drop to 8,800 under a load and hold it. Alignment is perfect and the primary is straight with the secondary. My belt squeals at idle after riding it(belt to tight) but the belt height is good and the distance between the sheaves is within specs.
Is it possible that the belt being a little to tight at idle could cause me to eat belts? This is getting annoying.