We do not make these boxes or the testing equipment Dobech does. We simply use it in our systems. I would love to supply everyone with some sort of stand alone but not everyone could afford it.
I feel if someone has a concern they should give us a call and speak with someone over the phone. All the forums we support take alot of time to monitor and snowest does not alert us with email.
I apologize you feel this way we are trying tostay up on the forums it is hard to find competent help these days so we are limted to help on hand.
while I understand what you are saying, I also know my experience, and the experience of others...
I called you and spoke with you personally, and you said you would call me back...you did not...I called again, and spoke with you, and you got pulled into something else, and said you would call back...you never did...
Keep in mind, this is when I was trying to make a decision to buy or not...so I was "fish on hook" and was treated this way...unfortunately for your company, this is not the exception but the norm as it appears anyway...
buddy of mine here has called several times, and has had numerous issues, only to get his information from the forums...
as to Snowest not emailing you...it can be set up to do so, and since I think you are sponsors, I am confident you could get them to show you how to enable that...I know Ulmer, and others have their own private threads they monitor on ty4stroke...I am sure you could get something set up there too...
Social networking like these forums are becoming a critical form of service, and communicating on these forums that you "dont have time" merely points out gaps in your ability to keep up...instead would suggest finding ways to let the technology help you...
most questions are repeat questions, and if you point people to a site, they will learn to self serve...and with a good number of customers on forums, they will help you help other customers...thereby makign it easier to serve...
nto trying to bash you, but trying to point out some gaps...and options to better serve...know lots with your product, that after a lot of issues getting it up and working, are very happy with it...so the product is good...but the support needs help...IMHO...