M5, We know what will happen here. You can talk about opinions/specifics all you want and beat it to death, but Snowest is not ready for this. There are too many brand loyalists and the minute you start expressing an opinion that doesn't fit with someone elses opinion all hell breaks loose. This forum isn't mature enough to have a grown up discussion about said topics. We have seen it a million times here for the last 10 years. It must be human nature for most people when something they own is garbage and they can't tell it like it is.
Eg. Recently i asked some easy questions on a forum of a product. I didn't form an opinion rather looking for info for some friends. The product didn't add up. Big claims and no info/tech data to support it. The minute i questioned it i got jumped on by the owners of said product. People who couldn't even grasp the basics of the product let alone have the knowledge to explain to me how this magical product worked. They didn't even question their own product. They believed it was what it was because they were told it just worked that way. I was the whipping boy because i asked the hard questions which the developer couldn't even answer on the forum or to my face. Trying to have a meaningful exchange of data on snowmobile forums is not possible LOL, people can't accept the fact they spent money on something that didn't meet their expectation !
I want to premise this post.
I am NOT starting a pizzin match - quite the contrary, and I will offer NO retort to a negative response.
SummitBoy, you have irritated me to no end in the recent past... several posts, issues, comments - whatever.
That being said...
There have been points you have made that are spot on, dead nuts, and EXCELLENT. You have gotten ZERO credit from myself or most others on this forum for
any of your points or observations - until now...
You have my attention (in a positive way) for the moment.
First, you are very intelligent - it shows in your vernacular. Second, you share MY affliction of wanting to PROVE you are intelligent - problem one (I should know).
You simply turn people off by offering YOUR opinion in the way you do... it is in a bit of an "offensive" manner. (
My narcissism causes
ME the same problem)
We are ALL brand loyal to some extent - We ALL have to justify to OURSELVES why we spent all of that money on good, bad or plain ol' stoopid stuff.
When you point out something that someone else may have reservations about, OF COURSE they are going to bark back
- they don't 100% believe it was a wise purchase either... but they want affirmation - Not somebody telling them they are stoopid. (Even if
they know they are.)
I think you have a wealth of knowledge to offer your fellow sledders... I just wish you would create a new and more productive method of delivering it.
From this day on, I will try to sift through your BS, 'cause I think you have some very good points, and they are worth listening to...
Best Regards,